Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012


Ech ha schöne heilige Obig gha met minere Gastfamilie. Mer hend alli zäme Znacht gässe ond denne Gschänkli uspackt. Vode Gasteltere hani es paar boots öbercho, vo de Miranda es Konschtwärk ond vo de Kajsa en Jupe ond en Armreife ond vom Wyatt es Teetasseset. Es esch mega schön gsi ond mer hend e schöni Beschärig gha. D Brenda hed mega freud gha a da Meschschössle ond au alli anderne hend freud gha a ehrne geschänklis. Nochem Gschänkliuspacke hemmer agfange vorbereite för alli Lüt wo am nögschte Tag i euses Hus cho send. Mer hend mösse Möbel ometräge ond Tesch ufstelle.
De 25. esch au en coole Tag gsi. Die ganzi Bullard Family esch zu eus cho am nüni am Morge ond mer hend zäme Zmorge gässe. Nochem Zmorge hed jede sins 'Stocking' chönne lääre ond denne hemmer Gschänkli ustuscht. Wöu die Familie so gross esch hemmer bevor Wiehnachte alli es Zäddeli zoge metere andere Person droffe, ond denne eifach dere Person es Gschänkli gmacht. Ech ha d Jessica gha ond ehre en Schaal gmacht, es jäggli dezue kauft ond en schöne Schlössuahänger met alles Steine dra.
Alli Jungs hend schinbar das Jahr es grosses Thema gfonde: Waffene. Alli hend enand Gwehr gschänkt ond mini Tante hed vo ehrem Maa e chline Revolver öbercho, s gliche met minre Cousine... zemmlech s Gfühl gsi för mech als en Europäer, aber schinbar völlig normal för ehn Amerikaner.

Zom Znacht heds weder es grosses Meal gää ond feins Dessert, denne hemmer alli zäme en Föum gluegt

Hostdad am Gschänkli ufmache
Wiehnachtsliechter? :)
Bullard Family spending time together
Dä Tag hani vou coolo gfonde, vorauem well all die Cousin ond Cousine im gliche Alter send hemmer vöu Spass zäme gha.

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

finally break!

Waah I waited so long for that day! We finally have winter break. We had finals last week, and Friday off. On Thursday night, we had Christmas with Yvonne and her husband Steve. I made lasagne and we all had dinner together. After dinner, we unwrapped her gifts, you don't believe how many she gave to us! We had a great night together.
On Friday we went to Dinner at a nice restaurant, with all our cousins. We dressed all nice and ate dinner at cool hand luke's. They made the best stake I had so far.

iceskating ;)
lots of presents

Saturday, we had another Christmas - or just a Christmasdinner with my hostmum's family side. Her parent don't believe in christmas tough, that's why we just ate dinner and made an ornament exchange. I got a cute little snowmen.
On Sunday, we went iceskating with Teresa and Yvonne and her niece. The icefield was really small tough but we had a lot of fun. haha a lot of people couldn't iceskate really good ;)

Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

EF-Party with big mama's group

This friday was the EF Christmas party at Florian's house in San Luis Obispo. We dressed all christmasy, got Starbucks and drove there, of corse Yvonne came with us ;)
Everyone had to bring a goodie from their country to eat. I made a Toblerone Mousse! Super easy and super yummy! You just melt 4 bars of Toblerone and whip whipping cream and mix it together. Everyone loved it! :)
The Christmas party was a lot of fun, and it was nice to see all the people from big mama's group (all the kids from our coordinator) . We made an ornament exchange game and tried all the food.
Last week i finally bought the gym-card so we can go to the gym now whenever we want to. So on saturday Kajsa and I went there to work out. We did some running and swimming - It felt really good! :)
After the gym we went to coco's and ate Dinner with Brenda David and Wyatt, who came back from College in Oklahoma for three weeks.
On Sunday, we went to second service church to watch the Christmas concert - i really liked it and it was also a really good message. We had lunch at the California pizza restaurant - which makes really yummy pizza by the way!
While Brenda went to the saloon to get her hair cut, we had some time to spend downtown in San Luis. I got some Christmas shopping done and I think I'm all done now - except for some stocking stuffers. (The socks that hang and you put something little in it for everyone :))
The rest of Sunday, i spent with studying for the final tests we're gonna have in every class this week.
Christmas is a really hard time to be without my friends and family but I hope you have a good time too in Switzerland :) I love Christmas time! It's all so peaceful!

Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012

school.. 😁

S Schuelsystem do z amerika esch ehrlechgseit echli komisch. Zerscht emou chasch dini Fächer wähle, du muesch eifach gwössi fächer gno ha bevor du d High School abschluessisch. Ond denn hesch du sebe oder acht Klasse wo denne uf zwe Täg verteilt wärde. Die zwe verschednige Täg dönd de jede Tag abwächsle - was mech mega närft wöu es werd langsam langwilig, jede zweiti Tag emmer weder s gliche z ha. Was mer allerdengs gfaut, au wenns mech ned mega böudet, esch das mer nome bis am 2  oder 3 am nami schuel hed ond denne training. Fendi rächt easy im Gegesatz zu deheime woni mängisch bis am haubi 5i i de schuel hocke ond denne no training han nochhär.
S Notesystem do esch au ganz andersch ond zemmlech easy zom guet si i de schuel, well du muesch eigentlech vorallem dini Husufgabe erledige zom Pönkt öbercho ond denn de Tescht esch schlossändlech nome d helfti vo de Pönkt, drom wenn du dini Husi machsch esches gar ned so schlemm wenn de Tescht versausch wenn dini husi gmacht hesch - fändi no cool wenn das i de schwiz so wär, de wäri wahrschinnli vöu besser i de schuel ;)
Jo.. das esch chli wie d Schuel do ablouft. Ah ond haha wasi au no mos erwähne - a minre schuel heds sooooooo vell komischi luet! well es esch ned wie s Gymnasium ond d Sekundarschuele kategorisiert, eifach alli, au die komischte ond handycappierte luet gönd eifach alli i die glich schuel - drom chas si dasses haut luet hed wo komplett andersch send als du ond metem pyama id schuel chömed oder nome öber star wars reded.... :)

Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012

Los Angeles :)

Die letschti woche hani agfange im fuessball d statistik ufschribe, well ech äbe wäg mine chnü ned chan spele ond aber glich chli imne team wett si :) ond osserdem die meischte vo mine kolleginne speled fuessball, de trefft sech das alles zäme prima! Drom gangi jetz zwöi mol i de woche anes game go d statistik ufschribe, ond s gfallt mer vou, vorauem d busdahrt esch emmer loschtig.
Osserdem hend d kajsa ond ech das wochenänd agfange met is fitness z goh ond chli spörtle - ond das dod so guet, mer hend usegfonde wiso mer i letschter zit emmer so schlächti luhne gha hend! S esch wöu mer nie gspörtled hend - das macht eim imfau es vell glöcklechers gfühl wemmer weiss das mer chli öppis gmacht hed :)
Am fritig send d miranda, ere frönd, d kajsa ond ech uf San Luis Obispo go e wiehnachtsparade luege - allerdengs hemmer alli chli z vöu erwarted ond s esch aso ned so spektakulär gsi.. Aber mer hend glich voll spass gha ;) nocher hed eus de miranda ere frönd zu de Ingrid vo Norwege, wo bi de Kathy, mim IEC wohnt brocht ond eus det abglade. Wöu am Samstig semmer met dene uf LA go shoppe ine risigi mall - wienes paradies!! Am morge früeh hemmer eus mösse usem bett kämpfe ond send zersch mol 4h autogfahre. Zom glöck hed si sones bequems Auto! ;) wo mer acho send hemmers chum ned chönne glaube was för cooli Läde dases i dere mall gha hed! Öberwäutigend eschs aso gsi! Allerdengs semmer am verhongere gsi ond hend zersch mol imne härzige restaurant gässe namens 'paris baguette' esch brutal fein gsi :) 
Noch dem ganze Tag idem riesige Shoppingparadies hemmer eus völlig erschöpft ufe heiwäg gmacht ond no bimne mexikanische restaurant öppis inegmampft :) 

Schoweder esch s Wochenänd verbi, god doch eifach emmer vell z schnell! Vo mer us chönnt s Wochenänd füf täg lang si ond d Woche zwöi, das wär also völlig in Ornig för mech!

Am Fritig wo ech ond d Kajsa vom fittness heicho send esch d Teresa bi eus deheime gsi, d Ustuschschüelerin vo Österrich. Mer hend alli zäme e chlini Girls-öbernachtigsparty gha met felme, cookies, glacé ond negu amoole =) Am samschtigmorge hemmer früeh mösse ufstoh wöu de Yvonne eri Cookieparty gsi esch, mer send am achti am morge losgfahre ond hend no d Sofie ufglade ufem wäg. Mer hend mega vöu feini Guetzli bachet,amerikanischi, österichischi, schwedischi, italiänischi ond schwizerischi :) esch werkli mega coolo gsi ond de perfekti ischtig i d wiehnachtszit :) allerdengs semmer öberzockeret gsi nach demm velle teig ond cookies womer gässe hend hihi...

Am obig, nochmene chline namittagsschlof semmer an en event do ide stadt gange, wo jede ome see omelauft ond die belüchtete hüser aluegt ond applecider drenkt =) ech wörd mou behaupte das esch so en art of punch! D Wiehnachtsdekoration do i Amerika esch onglaublech! Noch Thanksgiving fod jede ah tuusigi vo Wiehnachtsdekoratione uf z'stelle, die einte nome im Huus enne, anderi au ossedra, ond wenn denn rechtig vöu!

De Samschtig esch au e langi Nacht worde, well d Teresa nomou bi eus gschlofe hed.Ond am Sonntig hemmer wedermou döffe früeh ufstoh zom id chele goh ond noch de Chele semmer wie emmer go Ichaufe ond Zmettag ässe :) Mer hend zmettag gha im Madonna IN, es meega cools Restaurant/Hotel met alles in Pink - perfekt för e Frouegroppe zom Zmettag ässe noch dem verplante Wochenänd =D

mini mäiländerli

cookies :) vo mer send d spetzbuebe ohni gsecht!

me sofie and miranda

sofie, teresa, me and jessie

decorated house =D

Thanksgiving, November 24

This week, I had a big american experience; Thanksgiving!! The whole Johnson (Hostmother's side) Familly went to Steve & Louises house. We were around thirty persons. There was a huge, very pretty decorated table and food all over the place. The dinner was very good, unfortunately i din't feel very good in my tummy, so i couldn't eat that much - which is very sad because it was delicious! We all ate dinner, -or lunch-, as much as we could. After the dinner we just hang around on the couch and we all talked together and watched a movie... famillytime :) After a while, everyone went home and I slept for a little bit because in the night, Kajsa, Shaeylin, Louis, Izzy, Jessie, and another girl whose name i don't know ;) ;)

went Blackfridayshopping. They picked us up in the middle of the night and we went to stay in line in front of Kohls. It was incredible, how many peope there were, just to get some good deals. It was really funny because some mexicans just grabbed 10 boxes of shoes and let their kids look that nobody can take them. I don't know what they're gonna do with it because obviously they don't need 10 pairs of new boots, maybe they're gonna sell them.. haha

All in all my thanksgiving was greatt, all though it wasn't that special - we just ate a lot ;)

I love to get all those american experiences and I'm having so much fun!

the whole company

jessica, kajsa and stetson

turkey, roles, jam, stoffing, some marshmellowthing, and green beans, and applecider

eating thanksgivingmeal

Thanksgivingbreak, November 19

another week is already over :) since i'm not doing any sports, i have a lot of freetime after school. I even started making me a headband and a scarf ;) ond thuesday, sofie came over to our house and we talked and just sat together. On wednesday, i went to a jewlery party at a friends house and I even won a wonderfull expensive neckless ;) yeeey.

On friday, me and kajsa went to yvonne's house and we put up two shelfs for all her Christmas decoration. (hahah you don't believe how much that is!) I was the first one finished with my shelf so I won a 50$ bill ;) yeey!

On saturday we started a Twilight Marathon (we wanna watch all the movies and then go to the movietheather and watch the new one) and on the evening, kajsa's swedish friends that live in Los Osos came over and visit us.
We had a lot of fun :D

Cabin weekend, November 14.

Das Weekend semmer is Feriehöttli i de Bärge, am Shaver Lake met de ganze Bullard Familly - 19 lüt =O woni am Fritig metem Hostdad, de Kajsa ond de Cousine Jessy uf die langi fahrt gange ben hed üs am Zil 10 cm $chnee erwartet :) jeeeh vo 30 grad zu -5 grad ;)

Mer hend es meega loschtigs weekend gha, all mer chender send met somne halb golfwage halb auto döre schnee im wald gfahre - das esch sooooo loschtig gsi :D ond soo schön met de sonne ond d bäum hend emmerno blätter dra :D 

am sonntig hani lasagne kochet för die ganzi company, ond die hend das gliebt! haha :)

d heifahrt hani met de kajsa, de aunt yvonne, ond de jessy hender mech brocht - hahaha mer hends sooo loschtig gha - ond hend sogar no en stop im starbucks gmacht ond im world market ond imne anderne lädeli :) Zmettag hemmer gha imne schöne italiänische Restaurant gha, ond ech ha ehn feine ruccola tomate mozarella henderebotzt... ;)

jajaja esch es mega cools weekend gsi - leider hani aber im mami sine Gebortstag verpasst - hed mi scho chli agschesse :( aber han eifach dänkt, chasch ned alles haaa oder :D

How the time passes by very fast! November 9.

I just think how amazing it is that it's already so normal for me to talk english. In school i already think in english and everything goes just so much more fluently than at the beginning. I can just say: to live a language is the simpliest and best way to learn a new language.!

AAAAAND! So amazing, I've already been here for three months and a half! That is one third of my high school year that is already over! - it is unbelievable how fast the time goes over! I've already got so many experiences and i just enjoy this year so much.! I'm so happy to have the possiblity to do that and I'm so thankful to everyone who supports me! FAMILY <3!!

I'm gonna go to the cabin over this three day weekend - so i won't have internet ;) And guess what, I might even have a little bit of snow up there =D how fun! (we will see! ) :D

by the way, thanks for reading my blog :) I'm glad i dont just write for my own ! 

Amazing last footballgame, November 3.

Last night was the last football game.We played against Paso - our enemies!! thats why it's every year a very important game.

The game was so interesting and our team playd so good as never before this year. But we barely lost - It was sooooooo close! But the game was so fun!

I think it's really sad that footballseason is already over - it's such an american thing! And you can meet everyone at the game - the whole town comes there to watch the game.

It also shows me how fast this year is getting over - 1/3 is already over! amazing!
After the game, brenda kajsa and me went to coldstone - my favorite ice-cream place! 

friends :D

HALLOWEEN!, November 1

Yesterday was Halloween - might not be special in Switzerland but is a big deal here! =) Everyone goes dressed up to school, even the teachers dress up - what makes it really hard to take them serious ;))

My costume was a tinkerbell - and i've got it from our friend yvonne!

In the evening, we went to a Halloween party at our cousins house. All our friends were there, we were around 40 people, and we had a lot of fun. We played bull, dance games, or just chilled around (and ate junkfood ;)) It was so fun to see all the creative costumes :) I really liked it.

News ;) Oktober 29.

d täg verflüged ond jede tag fühlt sech scho normal ah done.. ufwache, schuel, lunch, schuel, training, ässe, husi ond schlofe. ech ha s gfühl ech läbe grad inere langwilige phase wo alles emmer glich ablauft. Ech freue mech mega uf Halloween, mini Gastcousine macht en Halloweenparty am Mettwoch obig ond det fröii mi mega druf :D

Am Sonntig semmer ad EF-Halloweenparty, wo aber ned e so werklech cool gsi esch well ned so vell lüt cho send - aber mer hends glich loschtig gha.

D schuel esch emmerno easy, ech ha gwächslet vomne Junior (5.Klässler) zomne Senior (6.Klässler) so dass ech chan graduiere. :D Eech han nome ei Klass mösse wächsle, ond zwar vo US. History (wasi öberhaupt ned gärn gha han) zo Politik Sience, (was vellecht chli kompliziert werd ;))

Tennissaison esch verbii ond die woche dueni avo fuessball spele, weiss aber nonig öbig gange go spele s ganze semester, wöu mini chnü hend das ned so gärn ;) vellecht luegi eifach öbi chan es stats-girl si, de chani glich metem team zäme sii aber ned fuessball spele :D

S wätter do äne esch emmerno mega warm, höt hemmer weder 30 grad gha.. wär aso langsam ready för d herbschtfashion :D

Ond ech mos aso säge ech vermesse mini familie ond frönde scho rächt fescht, ech wönschti er wäred alli ou do met mer :D ! <3

Mini Gastfamilie hani emmerno mega gärn, mängisch hani s Gfühl si send chli oberflächlechdänkend ond mängisch beni au ned ganz iverstande met ehrne religiöse glaube aber mer hends meega guet zäme ond ech fühl mi zemmli wohl. Ech be au voll froh dasi es ‚dubbleplacement‘ han met de Kajsa us Schwede, well s duet emmer guet met ehre z rede well sie halt eifach die gliche sechte hed ond i de gliche situation esch :D

Ech be au langsam chli am usefende met wellne lüt ech i de schuel werkli wett befröndet sii ond weli ned so werklech das rechtige send. :D aber mus säge es hed vell cooli lüt ome =D

Letscht Samschitg esch d Sofie, vo Italie zu eus cho öbernachte ond mer send metem Pyama is Kino, esch mega coolo gsi :D

Yvonne der Engel: mer hend en kollegin (en erwachsnigi Frau) done wo mer eifach nome chan säge sie esch en ängel. Sie hed ned werklech vell Frönde oder Familie ond drom liebts sies met öis öbbis z mache ond chond met eus id chele oder esst ame done znacht oder god met eus go schoppe, sie schänkt eus die ganzi zit sache well si en chlini schoppaholikerin esch :D si esch eifach sooooo en liebi ond positivi frau :D ha sii mega gärn ;) glaubed gar ned – met ehre hed mer jede tag wiehnachte! =)

Jaja.. mos mol a mini Husufgabe ! danke förs läse! Vermesse euch!

Earthquake, November 25

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, we had an earthquake with strength 5.4 here. It was in the mittle of the night and i woke up and thought someone is shaking my bed, but after i kinda halfsleeping asked my roommade, I realized that nobody was shaking my bed.. haha I was so confused and I didn't realize what was going on.

After everything shaked for a while i finally realized that that was an earthquake and i got really scared =) I'm glad it wasnt stronger because I was way to tired to react, I just kept lieing in my bed! And i realized it when it was over.. Jaja - was a weird experience :D

Homecomingweek, Oktober 23

The last week was homecoming week and our theme was superheroes. That means everyone (or at least some kids) dress up as a superhero, every day another one.

On Friday was the homecominggame so we had to be dressed super schoolspirited on friday in school. Our councelor made an orange and grey scarf for al the exchangestudents!That was sooo sweet!

The game was awesome, we scored the win points in the last few minutes and I sat in the Dog-Pound, where we scream a lot to cheer :D At the halftime they crouned the homecoming queen, king, princesses and princes.

It was so fun!

After the game, i went to the dance - which was pretty fun too! But i have to say, homecoming wasn't really like in the movie - not all the people came, actually the gym was only half full and only the homecoming queens and princesses dressed up, because everyone went right after the game. Anyways - I had a lot of fun!

my exchangestudentfriends ;)


Powderpuffgame, Oktober 15.

After two weeks practice everyday, we finally had our powderpuffgame last Friday. Powderpuff is kinda football for girls, without taggeling. The Junior Girls play against the Senior Girls. Everyone was so excited for the game, because normally the boys are on this position.

We all had a jersey with our name and a number on it and we painted our faces.

On Fridays normally the boys wear theyr jerseys to school... but this Friday, it was us :D

I had soo much fun at the game! and believe or not... the Juniors beat the Seniors with one more point! :O

Who won? THE JUNIORS!!! Everyone ready for the sleepoverparty in our house :D

It might finally get fall, Oktober 10

it's finally getting fall here too, today was the first day i wore pants and it was still cold. :/ And it was also the first day it rained - so special ;) ;) hot choccolate!

Lake weekend. Camping! Oktober 9.

This weekend, we went to the lake. We had sooo much fun and the weather was perfevt - not to hot but not cold at all :) It was the last chance to go to the lake this season, because i think its finally getting fall here too! ;) (stil 28 degrees=))

We have monday off this week and its so nice, just sitting at home - watching TV and feeling good :D

This is gonna be a busy week - i have two tennis games, one powderpuff game and two practices every day - puuuuff!

hot tog ride :D

pooosing :D

I <3 weekend, Oktober 1.

having fun at yvonnes house :) yes we stil have perfect weather and i'm stil getting brown :D

We went to a friend of our family yesterday and ate lunch at her house. She has a really pretts house, and we felt like in vacation! ;) Today, we went to church and ate lunch at a italian restaurant. After a lot of internet problems, i could finally skype with my friends <3 miss you!

having lunch at olive garden restaurant - so yummy

Footballgame - so american! September 30

Yesterday i went to the footballgame with aunt louis in arroyo grande. The game was very interesting and we had a lot of fun with all the people around us. We aaaaaaaalmost won, but we didn't ;)

It's a nice experience to have school and sport together, with all the schoolspirit - i really like it and it adds a lot of fun to the boring school :D

SURFING! yeeeeeh, September 27.

This weekend I went to a Camping with all the California EF Students to Pismo Beach. We camped in tents sat around the fire and did some activitys on saturdays. I choosed the activity surfing. It was my first time on a waveboard. 

The surfingboys ;) ;) showed us some basics and then they let us go in the water. First i was a little scared because we had huge waves! But after a while i went far out with a surferboy and we waited for a good wave. He showed me how to do it and i could stand in the wave, it was so cool!

But surfing can also be very dangerous and my board hit me a couple times, one time it hurt my really bad on my rips. AUA :)

But i really hope i can do this again ;)

Was ech alles so erläbt han bis jetz done in Amerika

Am 25.August bin nach Boston gfloge, wohni denne 10 täg i de Norwich University ines Vorbereitigscamp bin. Das Vorbereitigscam isch super mega coolo gsi und ich han sehr cooli neui kollege gfunde vo überall uf de wält :D Im camp hemmer Schuel gha am Morge und Sportacititys am Abig und mängisch hemmer no anderi sache undernoh, z.B simmer uf Boston go shoppe und go d Stadt aluege.

Das Camp mit all dem Spass isch superschnell a mir verbigfloge und scho isch de grossi Tag vor de Tür gstande wuni vo Boston uf Missouri gfloge bin, zum det mini Hostfamiliy träffe und denne mit dene zu de Grosseltere e wuche id Ferie. Mine Flug isch völlig verwirrend gsi und d Zite sind immer wider verschobe worde, und schlussändlich mit 2 stunde verspötig gfloge wär aber glich ergendwie früener det gsi isch, was dezue gfüehrt hed das ich drüviertelstund früehner am flughafe gsi bin als mini gastfamilie. D Temperatur z Boston isch mega chüel gsi, öppe um di 2o grad so wuni z Missouri usem Flughafe useglofe bin hetz mi mit 45 grad wükli schier hindeuseghaue und ich bi so schnell wie möglich wieder is gebäude ine ghöcklet :D nach 45 omehöckle met vermschte ängschtleche, fröhleche, gspannte, ond vererrte gfühl hani min Name ghört rüefe ond mini Gaschtschwöschter esch uf mech zuezrenne cho :) de erschti momänt woni mini Gastfamilie atroffe ha! Si hend mi mega härzig empfange, d gaschtschwöschter esch uf mech zuez'sechkle cho ond hed mi omarmt ond ech ha mi vo afang ah super wohl gfühlt.

I de Feriewoche z Branson hemmer vöu spannendi Sache erläbt ond vöu Spass gha ond nach par Täg semmer denne nach Tulsa gfahre zunere Kollegin vo de Familie ond hend dete zwöimol öbernachtet ond de Wyatt, mine Gaschtbrüeder is College brocht ;D (27 stond autofahrstonde entfärnt..)

Am 12. August semmer denn äntlech uf Californie gfloge ond ech ha chönne i mine ruuhm izieh :D

Mer hend e witeri Woche Ferie gha ond i dere Woche hani vell Organisatorischs ondernoh (schuel ond all das züg) ond afo Tennis spele!

A mim Gebortstag semmer uf San Louis Obispo go schoppe :D

A see semmer go campe ;)

Am 22. August esch mine erschti Schueltag gsi a de Atascadero Highschool. Ech be meega froh gsi dasi d Miranda, mini Gaschtschwöschter met mer gha hand, das hed das ganze vell vell eifacher gmacht ond ech ha ke Minute elleige verbrocht. (Ned wie mers sech so vorstellt förne Ustuschschüeler am erschte Schueltag ;))

Mini Schuelfächer send; Us History, Life Fitness, Algebra 2, Primarschool Sport Teaching, Photography, Anatomy and English ;)

Jajaja.. Schule Schule Schule Training Training Training… everyday the same :D

Eines Tages hed mis Hostmami es Telefon vo mim Councellor öbercho, das en anderi Ustuschschüelerin us minere Schuel drengend för zwe woche en öbergangsfamilie brucht well ehri gaschtfamilie schlächt segi... daas heds dezue brocht das d Kajsa vo Schwede bi eus izoge esch, ursprönglech nome för zwe Woche aber denn hemmer entschede das mer si gar nömme wend wäg gä also blibt si jetz met eus s ganze Johr. Ech do en Ruum met ehre teile ond mer drü teenies hend mega vöu spass zäme :D

Ech be natürlech scho anes paarne footballgames gsi.. das esch emmer öppis spannends ;)

Mer send go jeepe i de Californische Bärge…

Mega mega mega vell Spass!

Jajaja.. so esch chli mis Läbe do z Californie

Hey everybody =)

So, also ich han mich umentschide und han jetzt au en blog zom chli öber mis abentüür brechte! ech hoffe ech han es par intressierti läser dasi do ned för nüt of de taschtatur omedröcke :D hihi danke danke 

the american way of life

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

baking party and other fun stuff in christmastime

Es esch dezember! Die fredlechschti kuscheligschti zit, leider aber au bekannt als die schlemmschti Zit för en Ustuschschüeler zom wit wäg vo de familie z sii

Leider esch s Wochenänd schoweder verbi, god doch eifach emmer vell z schnell! Vo mer us chönnt s Wochenänd füf täg lang si ond d Woche zwöi, das wär also völlig in Ornig för mech!

Am Fritig wo ech ond d Kajsa vom fittness heicho send esch d Teresa bi eus deheime gsi, d Ustuschschüelerin vo Österrich. Mer hend alli zäme e chlini Girls-öbernachtigsparty gha met felme, cookies, glacé ond negu amoole =) Am samschtigmorge hemmer früeh mösse ufstoh wöu de Yvonne eri Cookieparty gsi esch, mer send am achti am morge losgfahre ond hend no d Sofie ufglade ufem wäg. Mer hend mega vöu feini Guetzli bachet,amerikanischi, österichischi, schwedischi, italiänischi ond schwizerischi :) esch werkli mega coolo gsi ond de perfekti ischtig i d wiehnachtszit :) allerdengs semmer öberzockeret gsi nach demm velle teig ond cookies womer gässe hend hihi...

Am obig, nochmene chline namittagsschlof semmer an en event do ide stadt gange, wo jede ome see omelauft ond die belüchtete hüser aluegt ond applecider drenkt =) ech wörd mou behaupte das esch so en art of punch! D Wiehnachtsdekoration do i Amerika esch onglaublech! Noch Thanksgiving fod jede ah tuusigi vo Wiehnachtsdekoratione uf z'stelle, die einte nome im Huus enne, anderi au ossedra, ond wenn denn rechtig vöu!

De Samschtig esch au e langi Nacht worde, well d Teresa nomou bi eus gschlofe hed.Ond am Sonntig hemmer wedermou döffe früeh ufstoh zom id chele goh ond noch de Chele semmer wie emmer go Ichaufe ond Zmettag ässe :) Mer hend zmettag gha im Madonna IN, es meega cools Restaurant/Hotel met alles in Pink - perfekt för e Frouegroppe zom Zmettag ässe noch dem verplante Wochenänd =D

mini mäiländerli

cookies :) vo mer send d spetzbuebe ohni gsecht!

me sofie and miranda

sofie, teresa, me and jessie

decorated house =D