Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

update for you

D täg verflüged ond jede tag fühlt sech scho normal ah done.. ufwache, schuel, lunch, schuel, training, ässe, husi ond schlofe. ech ha s gfühl ech läbe grad inere langwilige phase wo alles emmer glich ablauft. Ech freue mech mega uf Halloween, mini Gastcousine macht en Halloweenparty am Mettwoch obig ond det fröii mi mega druf :D

Am Sonntig semmer ad EF-Halloweenparty, wo aber ned e so werklech cool gsi esch well ned so vell lüt cho send - aber mer hends glich loschtig gha.

D schuel esch emmerno easy, ech ha gwächslet vomne Junior (5.Klässler) zomne Senior (6.Klässler) so dass ech chan graduiere. :D Eech han nome ei Klass mösse wächsle, ond zwar vo US. History (wasi öberhaupt ned gärn gha han) zo Politik Sience, (was vellecht chli kompliziert werd ;))

Tennissaison esch verbii ond die woche dueni avo fuessball spele, weiss aber nonig öbig gange go spele s ganze semester, wöu mini chnü hend das ned so gärn ;) vellecht luegi eifach öbi chan es stats-girl si, de chani glich metem team zäme sii aber ned fuessball spele :D

S wätter do äne esch emmerno mega warm, höt hemmer weder 30 grad gha.. wär aso langsam ready för d herbschtfashion :D

Ond ech mos aso säge ech vermesse mini familie ond frönde scho rächt fescht, ech wönschti er wäred alli ou do met mer :D ! <3

Mini Gastfamilie hani emmerno mega gärn, mängisch hani s Gfühl si send chli oberflächlechdänkend ond mängisch beni au ned ganz iverstande met ehrne religiöse glaube aber mer hends meega guet zäme ond ech fühl mi zemmli wohl. Ech be au voll froh dasi es ‚dubbleplacement‘ han met de Kajsa us Schwede, well s duet emmer guet met ehre z rede well sie halt eifach die gliche sechte hed ond i de gliche situation esch :D

Ech be au langsam chli am usefende met wellne lüt ech i de schuel werkli wett befröndet sii ond weli ned so werklech das rechtige send. :D aber mus säge es hed vell cooli lüt ome =D

Letscht Samschitg esch d Sofie, vo Italie zu eus cho öbernachte ond mer send metem Pyama is Kino, esch mega coolo gsi :D

Yvonne der Engel: mer hend en kollegin (en erwachsnigi Frau) done wo mer eifach nome chan säge sie esch en ängel. Sie hed ned werklech vell Frönde oder Familie ond drom liebts sies met öis öbbis z mache ond chond met eus id chele oder esst ame done znacht oder god met eus go schoppe, sie schänkt eus die ganzi zit sache well si en chlini schoppaholikerin esch :D si esch eifach sooooo en liebi ond positivi frau :D ha sii mega gärn ;) glaubed gar ned – met ehre hed mer jede tag wiehnachte! =)

Jaja.. mos mol a mini Husufgabe ! danke förs läse! Vermesse euch!

Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012


In the night from Saturday to Sunday, we had an earthquake with strength 5.4 here. It was in the mittle of the night and i woke up and thought someone is shaking my bed, but after i kinda halfsleeping asked my roommade, I realized that nobody was shaking my bed.. haha I was so confused and I didn't realize what was going on.

After everything shaked for a while i finally realized that that was an earthquake and i got really scared =) I'm glad it wasnt stronger because I was way to tired to react, I just kept lieing in my bed! And i realized it when it was over.. Jaja - was a weird experience :D

Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012


The last week was homecoming week and our theme was superheroes. That means everyone (or at least some kids) dress up as a superhero, every day another one.

On Friday was the homecominggame so we had to be dressed super schoolspirited on friday in school. Our councelor made an orange and grey scarf for al the exchangestudents!That was sooo sweet!

The game was awesome, we scored the win points in the last few minutes and I sat in the Dog-Pound, where we scream a lot to cheer :D At the halftime they crouned the homecoming queen, king, princesses and princes.

It was so fun!

After the game, i went to the dance - which was pretty fun too! But i have to say, homecoming wasn't really like in the movie - not all the people came, actually the gym was only half full and only the homecoming queens and princesses dressed up, because everyone went right after the game. Anyways - I had a lot of fun!

my exchangestudentfriends ;)


Montag, 15. Oktober 2012


After two weeks practice everyday, we finally had our powderpuffgame last Friday. Powderpuff is kinda football for girls, without taggeling. The Junior Girls play against the Senior Girls. Everyone was so excited for the game, because normally the boys are on this position.

We all had a jersey with our name and a number on it and we painted our faces.

On Fridays normally the boys wear theyr jerseys to school... but this Friday, it was us :D

I had soo much fun at the game! and believe or not... the Juniors beat the Seniors with one more point! :O

Who won? THE JUNIORS!!! Everyone ready for the sleepoverparty in our house :D

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

It might finallz get fall

it's finally getting fall here too, today was the first day i wore pants and it was still cold. :/ And it was also the first day it rained - so special ;) ;) hot choccolate!

Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2012

Lake weekend. Camping!

This weekend, we went to the lake. We had sooo much fun and the weather was perfevt - not to hot but not cold at all :) It was the last chance to go to the lake this season, because i think its finally getting fall here too! ;) (stil 28 degrees=))

We have monday off this week and its so nice, just sitting at home - watching TV and feeling good :D

This is gonna be a busy week - i have two tennis games, one powderpuff game and two practices every day - puuuuff!

hot tog ride :D

pooosing :D

Montag, 1. Oktober 2012

having fun at yvonnes house :) yes we stil have perfect weather and i'm stil getting brown :D

We went to a friend of our family yesterday and ate lunch at her house. She has a really pretts house, and we felt like in vacation! ;) Today, we went to church and ate lunch at a italian restaurant. After a lot of internet problems, i could finally skype with my friends <3 miss you!

having lunch at olive garden restaurant - so yummy